
In the event of loss or damage, the observance of the following instructions is INDISPENSABLE :

A. If damage or shortage is apparent.

1° have drawn up at the moment of receipt a joint survey report with the final carrier, or failing this, insert on the transport documents reserves which are as precise as possible and which indicate the condition of the merchandise. Have these reserves countersigned by the last carrier or his representative, this before taking delivery, that is before signing the transport document for reception of the goods. (in the event of theft, the survey report must state whether the package showed external traces of having been broken or tampered with ).

2° Notify immediately the survey agent specified on this insurance policy or, if this being impossible, contact the local or nearest Lloyd’s Agent, any other competent authority, or the issuer of this policy. The observance of this rule is essential.

3° Confirm the reserves mentionned under 1° above by means of a registered letter which should be sent to the last carrier within the legal delay of receipt of the merchandise (mostly 3 days for marine transport and mostly 7 days for non marine transport) indicating that he is :

- held liable for this damage or shortage

- invited to be present at the joint survey (day and hour to be agreed), if being understood that his
absence will be considered as an acquiescence to the results of the unilateral survey.

B. If damage or shortage is not apparent

1° Sent, as soon as the damage/shortage has been discovered, a registered letter to the last carrier within the delays as mentioned under A. 3° hereabove.

2° Notify immediately the survey agent (see par. A 2°)

Preserve, if necessary, the recourse against all other third parties. Take care that the joint survey is held as soon as possible. In case of disagreement with contents of the survey report, inform surveyor accordingly.

C. In case of General Average

A General Average agreement should be signed only under reserve of all rights and with option to appeal. The survey agent or Amica should always be consulted before completing the form of agreement.

D. Introduction of claim file

In order to facilitate and to accelerate the settling of the claim the assured or consignee are requested to send as soon as possible to issuer of this policy and this within the delay for filing a recovery action against carrier of other third parties, a complete file consisting among others of the following documents :

a. Original insurance policy and any possible riders/endosements;

b. Original invoice or certified copy;

c. Original carriage document or note of discharge (receipts, delivery order, …) with the eventual protest mentioned at the delivery;

d. Original survey report and/or contradictory report with the last carrier;

e. Copy of the registered protest sent to the last carrier or other liable third party;

f. Original of its answer

g. Any other usefull documents such as correspondence, custom documents, delivery notes, …